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Security Response & Disclosures

We want to make Testmo as secure as possible. We value feedback from security researches, developers and our users.

Security contact & reporting

Do you have security-related questions or would like to disclose a security issue? Here are all the details:

Security & compliance questions
For general security-related and compliance questions, please contact our support team.
Security incidents & disclosure
We welcome any reports and disclosures. You can directly email our security team.

Response & disclosure policy

If you have discovered a security flaw that impacts our users and our products, please let us know. We ask that you act in a way to protect our users' data:

  • Inform us as soon as possible
  • Do not test against or access users' private data
  • Work with us to resolve the vulnerability before disclosing it to others

When you report security issues, this is what we will do:

  • We will acknowledge your report and keep you updated
  • We will investigate the issue and impact
  • Once resolved, we'll post a security update
Testmo does not have a bounty program

We do not currently offer bug bounties for discovered security issues. We hope that if you discover vulnerabilities in the course of your work that you share them with us so we can improve the health of the Internet ecosystem.

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