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#1 QA Management Tool:
Quality Assurance Software

The #1 unified quality assurance (QA) management tool. Manage all your software quality assurance tests in one powerful platform, plus full integrations with your issue tracker, test automation & DevOps tools.

Quality assurance management

Manage your tests with Testmo and benefit from the #1 QA management tool for software teams.

Unified QA testing

All your manual test cases, exploratory testing sessions & test automation in one powerful unified platform.

QA DevOps integrations

Rich integrations with issue tracking & DevOps tools such as Jira, GitHub, GitLab & many more.

Why use quality assurance (QA)
management software tools?

There are many reasons why teams adopt QA management tools. As users' expectations for flawless software and user experiences increase (and release cycles shrink), it is getting more difficult to manage and ensure the quality of software projects.

A great quality assurance management tool is helping you manage all testing activities in one place, identify problematic test suites, track key quality metrics & integrate with your issue & DevOps tools to track software bugs and incidents.

Don't waste your team's time with slow legacy QA tools. Empower your testers with a fast & modern test case UI, track ad-hoc & exploratory testing sessions and integrate your favorite CI platform & any test automation tool. Whether you are using Jira, GitHub, GitLab or others, full integration with your existing tools ensure a productive workflow.

Introducing Testmo: #1 Unified quality
assurance management software

Easily manage all your quality assurance (QA) activities with powerful test management, key metrics & reporting and best-in-class integration with your DevOps tools. All your tests in one unified platform.

QA project management

Manage your quality assurance projects and track milestones, test runs & key metrics.

Exploratory QA sessions

Don't miss your team's exploratory tests and start recording sessions & testing notes.

QA test automation & reporting

Collect and report all your test automation runs. Any platform & tool supported.

QA issue & DevOps integrations

Full integration with popular DevOps tools, including Jira, GitHub, GitLab & many more.
Start testing with Testmo free

Best-in-class test cases, test
automation, exploratory testing & more

Benefit from unifiedĀ test managementĀ and agile test management. Rich test cases, exploratory testing, powerful test automation and DevOps integration.

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