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Modern BDD Test
Management Software

Effective BDD & test management with Testmo, the #1 unified testing platform. Track your manual & automated BDD tests, including full Gherkin support. Works with any CI pipeline & automation tool.

Unified test management

Manage all your manual, exploratory & automated tests in one modern platform.

Full BDD & Gherkin support

Use Gherkin syntax to store your feature descriptions in any field in Testmo.

No-code automation reporting

Works with any automation platform, CI pipeline & workflow. No code required.

Why BDD test management?

Modern testing teams use a mix of automated tests, manual test cases and exploratory test sessions to build rock-solid software. Many teams use behavior-driven development (BDD) practices to structure their development process. Using a test management tool like Testmo helps teams track & document all their BDD tests in one platform:

  • Manual test cases: Using the same familiar Gherkin syntax for your manual test cases makes it easy to move between manual & automated tests, and helps your team use a structured approach to test management.
  • Exploratory test sessions: Rarely documented, always part of a testing project: Ad-hoc & exploratory testing. With Testmo, also fully track all your test sessions, and use BDD & Gherkin syntax as part of your exploratory test sessions as well.
  • Test automation: With Testmo, there's no need to maintain your automated tests twice in code and then manually in your test management tool. Simply report your automation results to Testmo from any automation tool and Testmo handles the rest. No code or API calls needed!

#1 Unified test management
with BDD & Gherkin support

Testmo enables teams to capture their entire testing & QA work in one unified platform, including full support for behavior-driven development (BDD). Use feature descriptions and user stories in any field in Testmo, including test cases, exploratory sessions, automation & more.

Unified test management

All your manual, exploratory & automated tests in one modern, customizable platform.

Rich automation & CI integration

Easily report your test automation results to Testmo. No code required. Any tool & platform.

Built-in BDD support

Track both your manual & automated tests with BDD & Gherkin support.

Gherkin syntax everywhere

Testmo supports Gherkin syntax highlighting in any text field, including custom fields.
Start testing with Testmo free

Best-in-class test cases, test
automation, exploratory testing & more

Benefit from unified test management and agile test management. Rich test cases, exploratory testing, powerful test automation and DevOps integration.

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