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Test Automation Management,
Metrics & Reporting

Full test automation management, integration and reporting with your existing tools. Automatically submit results, track tests and report failures. Works with any test automation tool, language and CI platform.

Run your automated tests

Run your existing tests from your CI pipeline, build system or custom workflow. Any tool & platform supported.

Submit test results

Easily submit your test results with Testmo's flexible command line tool. A simple 5 minute integration.

Visualize test suites

Testmo automatically processes your tests so you can immediately review your results & test suites.

More than test results. Testmo helps you build better,
faster & more robust automation suites.


Trace automation sources

Testmo automatically groups your automated tests into sources so you can easily trace and track all your project's automation suites.

Identify & fix test issues

Build more robust test automation suites. Testmo makes it easy to identify your most failed tests, slow tests and flaky tests.

Improve test performance

Actionable metrics make it easy to compare and improve your test automation suites across runs to boost performance.

CI/CD pipeline integration made easy

Full CI/CD pipeline & DevOps integration to quickly submit test results to Testmo. Use your existing workflow and test runs. Any tool and platform supported, including GitHubGitLabCircleCI and Jenkins.

Test automation integration:
Any tool. Any language. Any platform.

You can use any test automation tool with Testmo and easily submit & report test results. Here are just some examples we've documented for you.

Test automation management & reporting
for modern software teams

As teams invest more resources into automating software tests, managing, reporting and improving automated testing becomes a key aspect of software test management. Testmo makes it easy to integrate, collect and report all your automated tests in a single place – fully linked to your testing projects and milestones.

We designed Testmo's test automation integration so it's fast and easy to submit all your automated tests, regardless of the tools, languages and platforms you use. Our open & cross-platform CLI tool can be quickly added to your CI pipelines, deployed to build servers and added to custom workflows to get started in minutes.

And with Testmo's unique unified test management, your automated tests live side-by-side with your manual tests and ad-hoc test sessions for a complete picture of all your QA efforts. Complete test automation management & reporting for modern software teams, only with Testmo!

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