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Testmo Integrations:
Issue Tracking, Automation & CI

Testmo integrates with the tools your team already uses for rich and productive workflows. Use Testmo with your issue tracker, test automation, CI pipeline, version control and build tools.

All apps & integrations

Integrate Testmo with your favorite issue trackers, test automation tools, CI pipelines, version control and build tools. Your tool is not listed? No problem, with our custom integrations you can integrate most tools with just a few clicks.

Custom CI/CD integration
Easily integrate with any CI/CD pipeline, build server and workflow.
Testmo Enterprise
Authentication with enterprise directories and single sign-on solutions.

Test automation integration:
Any tool. Any language. Any platform.

You can use any test automation tool with Testmo and easily submit & report test results. Here are just some examples we've documented for you.

More integration guides & resources

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