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Case & Test Search, New Columns & Editing Improvements

By Dennis Gurock
Oct 10, 2022
5 min read

We are always working on new features, improvements and updates for our test management tool Testmo. Many of the features and enhancements we add to the product are directly based on customer feedback. In this update we want to share and review some of the new improvements we’ve added to Testmo over the past few weeks. Our team is also busy working on various other new features for additional upcoming releases, so stay tuned!

Searching Test Cases in Repositories

We’ve added an often requested feature to Testmo this week: you can now search test cases from a project repository. Simply navigate to a repository and use the new search field in the toolbar. You can search test cases by name or simply enter the ID of a test case.

For users who prefer working as much as possible with keyboard shortcuts, the new test case search also fully supports searching and navigating to test cases via the keyboard. Simply press the / shortcut to activate the test case search, enter your search term, select a case with the arrow keys and confirm the selection with Enter or Space.

Case & Test Search, New Columns & Editing Improvements - YXNzZXRzL3NjcmVlbnNob3RzL3JlcG9zLWluZGV4LXNlYXJjaC1jYXNlcy5wbmc
Search in repositories by test case name & IDs

Searching in Runs & Automation

You can now also search for tests in manual test runs and in test automation runs. Just like with the repository test case search, simply use the new search field in the toolbar of any test run. Then enter a search term to find tests by their name or ID. You can use the same / shortcut to start a search and select a test by keyboard.

Case & Test Search, New Columns & Editing Improvements - YXNzZXRzL3NjcmVlbnNob3RzL3J1bnMtcmVzdWx0cy1zZWFyY2gtdGVzdHMucG5n
Search for tests in test runs & automation

New Test & Case ID Columns

You can already look up the IDs of test cases, tests and automation by selecting a case or test and clicking the info icon next to its name. Knowing the IDs can be useful to link to and reference cases and tests. We received the feedback from users that it would also be useful to show the IDs as separate columns in the case and test tables. We’ve now added new case & test ID columns to repositories, test runs and test automation so you can quickly see and copy the IDs.

To show the new columns, simply open a project repository or navigate to a test run. Then from the toolbar above the case & test tables select Columns and enable the ID columns. You can also resize the columns by hovering your mouse cursor over a column in the test table and clicking the dropdown icon.

Case & Test Search, New Columns & Editing Improvements - YXNzZXRzL3NjcmVlbnNob3RzL3J1bnMtcmVzdWx0cy1zZWxlY3QtY29sdW1ucy1pZHMucG5n
Now supporting additional columns to view & copy IDs

Test Case Editing Improvements

We’ve also added some improvements to test case editing. Sometimes you might want to add multiple test cases one after another. You can already use the handy quick add input field below the test case table for this. But sometimes it can be useful to quickly enter all the test case details via the Add case dialog and continue adding more cases. To support this, we’ve added a new Add another case checkbox to the dialog. Once checked you can add many test cases in a row until you close the dialog.

We are also improving the editing experience for separate test steps. When you are working with separate test steps it can be useful to quickly add new steps. To make this easier we are adding a new shortcut to add another step and focus the new step field. Simply press Ctrl + E on a PC or Cmd + E on a Mac to add new steps. You might also find our complete list of keyboard shortcuts in Testmo useful.

Case & Test Search, New Columns & Editing Improvements - YXNzZXRzL3NjcmVlbnNob3RzL3JlcG9zLWluZGV4LWFkZC1jYXNlLXN0ZXBzLWFub3RoZXIucG5n
Add new test cases to the repository

These new features and improvements are now live for all customer Testmo instances, so you can start using them right away. For other improvements and fixes we’ve published recently, you can also review our detailed changelog. Also make sure to follow us on Twitter or LinkedIn to get notified about future announcements.

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