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Tag Management, Improved Steps, Case Selection, Navigation & More

By Dennis Gurock
Aug 26, 2023
10 min read

Today we are announcing another feature-packed update for our test management platform Testmo that introduces various often requested features and productivity improvements.

We are adding a new central tag management section to Testmo’s admin area to easily manage tags across all projects and entities. We have also enhanced Testmo’s popular test step feature with various improvements to work faster and more efficiently.

Next, we have added various features to Testmo’s test case selection dialog, and we are improving the folder navigation for the case repository and test runs, plus much more. Check out all the details below:

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Tag Management

Testmo comes with powerful tagging features to tag test cases, runs, sessions, and automation runs so you can quickly group, filter and find relevant testing activities. We’ve designed Testmo’s tagging system so users can directly add and manage tags when they need them, such as from the test case edit dialog. So you do not need to define your tags upfront, as you can add new tags on the fly.

Sometimes it can still be useful to have a place to manage tags. For example, if you want to rename tags or delete tags that aren’t needed anymore. For such use cases we are now introducing a new Tags management section to the admin area of Testmo, so you can add, rename or delete your tags from a central place.

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Now easily manage tags for all your projects from the central admin page.

Improved Test Steps

Testmo supports various ways to document your test cases, including rich-text fields, custom fields, different field templates and more. This way you can choose different fields for different test cases, depending on what makes sense.

One popular way to document test cases is using separate test steps. Testmo supports up to four sub fields, so you can document all the various details for your test steps (think Description, Test data, Expected result, References or similar). Today we are introducing an improved interface to work faster and more efficiently when entering test results with test steps.

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Improved interface for faster and more efficient testing with test steps.
  • Bulk step results: We’ve added a new bulk result dropdown, so you can quickly mark all test steps as passed, failed, skipped, blocked etc. Especially if you have many steps per test case and quickly verified all steps, adding results to all steps at once with a few clicks can save a lot of time.
  • Side-by-side grid view: With our updated interface, we now support optionally displaying step fields side-by-side in a grid view (e.g. the step description and expected result fields), so you can see more steps at once and go through all steps more efficiently (remember that you can maximize the result dialog in Testmo for more space!).
  • Quick result actions: We are also adding new quick action icons to quickly pass or fail your tests for each step. You can now quickly pass or fail steps with a single click, which can make a big difference if you work with many tests every day.

Case Selection Dialog

Testmo was built to scale great for large projects, so you can build project repositories with many folders and a large number test cases. Testmo comes with powerful features to navigate, filter and select test cases for test runs, so you can easily include just the test cases you need to execute right now.

To make this even easier, we are introducing various improvements to the Select cases dialog for test runs. First, we are introducing context menus to the folder tree, so you can quickly select test cases for single folders or entire folder sub trees.

Additionally, when changing test case selections, the dialog will now automatically expand empty folders that have sub folders with test cases selected, so you can easily find all selected test cases without manually expanding folders.

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Improved test case selection dialog to quickly navigate and select folders & cases for test runs.

Better Folder Navigation

Often times it can be useful to have (empty) top-level folders in the test case repository to group your other folders and test cases. You do not need to use separate test suites for this in Testmo, as the repository was designed to handle huge projects out-of-the-box.

Or you might just want to execute a subset of your test cases, and choose just specific sub folders for a test run. For both situations we are now introducing a very useful improvement: when opening a project repository or test run, Testmo now automatically opens the first folder that has test cases in it.

This seemingly small change can be very useful: it’s much faster to get started working with your tests in runs now and it saves you a lot of time from expanding/navigating the folder tree.

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Now automatically expanding and opening the first folder with cases in the repository and runs.

More Improvements

This new Testmo update also introduces various other improvements. For Testmo’s interface we are using dialogs in many places so you can work much faster and don’t have to switch between different pages like in other applications (which can be slow and you also lose the current’s page context). For example, you can edit a test case from various places in Testmo and always use the same, familiar edit dialog to do so.

Dialogs in Testmo support various keyboard shortcuts out-of-the-box, such as pressing Enter or Ctrl+S to commit and save the changes. Or you can press ESC to close a dialog. But if you’ve spent a lot of time entering your test case details, and press ESC by mistake, it can be frustrating to lose your test case details (it happened to the best of us!).

So with Testmo’s new update we are introducing additional confirmation messages to the more complex dialogs, so you cannot close dialogs by mistake anymore.

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Confirm closing dialogs after pressing ESC now to avoid losing changes by mistake.

Summary & What’s Next

This update is now live for all accounts. If you aren’t using Testmo yet, you can also register a free Testmo trial to get started.

We are also already working on various other new features and improvements for Testmo, so stay tuned. If you have an idea for an improvement or new feature you would like to see in Testmo, please let us know!

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