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Flexible Print & PDF Reports – Export, Share & Review

By Dennis Gurock
Nov 21, 2022
10 min read

Today we are excited to announce our new print & PDF reporting feature for our test management tool Testmo. This new functionality has been requested by many of our users so we are happy to make this available to all our customers today. When we designed and built this update, we wanted to support as many use cases and workflows as possible with flexible options:

  • Make it easy to generate rich reports for repositories, runs & sessions
  • Optimize for PDF printing with full modern browser capabilities
  • Add flexible customization options so teams can select which details to include
  • Offer filtering options & column selection to easily adjust reports
  • Features to optimize content for sharing with clients, reviewers & more

New Repository, Run & Session Report Views

To use the new print report views, simply select the print icon in the toolbar from all supported pages (or select the PDF option from the export menus). For example, just open a test run and click the print icon in its toolbar:

Flexible Print & PDF Reports - Export, Share & Review - YXNzZXRzL3NjcmVlbnNob3RzL3J1bnMtcmVzdWx0cy1wcmludC1idXR0b24ucG5n

Testmo’s new print report window allows you to preview the report content and configure the details you want to include. By default Testmo will include various report sections such as a report header, metrics & charts, context details and more.

Flexible Print & PDF Reports - Export, Share & Review - YXNzZXRzL3NjcmVlbnNob3RzL3J1bnMtcmVzdWx0cy1wcmludC10YWJsZXMtdG9vbGJhci5wbmc
New print & PDF report (showing a test run in table view)

Flexible Customization Options

Testmo shows all your tests and folders in a compact table view by default, similar to the test run & repository pages. This is perfect if you want to share all your tests with their statuses in an easy to scan way. Testmo allows you to configure exactly what details to include in your reports, so you can adjust the reports for your workflow.

Flexible Print & PDF Reports - Export, Share & Review - YXNzZXRzL3NjcmVlbnNob3RzL3J1bnMtcmVzdWx0cy1wcmludC1jb25maWcucG5n
Customize reports with sections, test details & folders

You can also easily filter your cases and tests by any available field and you can configure the exact columns you want to display for your tests and cases. For example, you can quickly generate a report that only shows all your failed & high priority tests and select only the relevant columns you are interested in.

In addition to showing your folders and tests in table views, you can choose to show the full test case details, all the test results, the entered notes and even attached screenshots and images. This is great if you want to share reports that cover your complete testing activities with all results and findings.

Flexible Print & PDF Reports - Export, Share & Review - YXNzZXRzL3NjcmVlbnNob3RzL3J1bnMtcmVzdWx0cy1wcmludC1mdWxsLnBuZw
Choose to show full test case details, results, notes & images

Generate & Export Rich PDF Files

We have also optimized our new print reports for PDF exporting with all modern web browsers. Using the PDF export feature of your browser allows Testmo to include rich charts, render large test runs and automatically display and embed all your screenshots and images. To generate a PDF file from the print views, simply click the Print & PDF button and select the PDF save feature in your browser’s print dialog.

Flexible Print & PDF Reports - Export, Share & Review - YXNzZXRzL3NjcmVlbnNob3RzL2F1dG9tYXRpb24tcnVucy12aWV3LXByaW50LXByZXZpZXcucG5n
Export rich PDF files with support for browser print settings

Testmo also supports advanced PDF features of modern browsers, such as scaling options, page layouts and background colors. So you can simply customize the PDF file and choose between portrait or landscape mode or change the scaling mode to include more details on each page.

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Customized PDF files generated from reports (showing a repository in landscape mode)

Also Optimized for External Sharing & Reviews

Many Testmo customers share their test results with persons outside of their organization, such as clients, auditors or for compliance reasons. We wanted to make our new reports even more useful for such scenarios and added additional customization options to optimize the reports for this use case:

  • Show links: By default, reports include links to the relevant pages in Testmo. For example, you can quickly navigate to tests by clicking their names. Or you can navigate to a test run by clicking its ID. This also works in generated PDF files, great!

    But what if you want to share reports with persons who don’t have access to Testmo or shouldn’t even know where the tests are managed? With our new reports, you can completely disable and remove all links, so you can share reports without any links back to your Testmo account.
  • Show images: Reports can include attached images and screenshots, which is useful to better understand the test case details, session notes and test results. But showing images can also be problematic in some cases: screenshots might include sensitive information you don’t want to share. Or they can result in huge PDF files if you have large test runs.

    Testmo lets you disable images for your reports, so only a placeholder with the file type and filename is displayed. Now you can choose exactly when and how to share images.
  • Show persons: A big benefit of using Testmo for your projects is that it’s easy to track and understand which person on your team made changes to test cases or added results. Testmo also helps improve collaboration and task management by allowing you to assign tests to team members.

But what about sharing reports with persons outside your organization? Should they really be able to see all your team members’ names? And should they really be able to see the user avatars? You decide, as you can easily hide all personal names and avatars with our report options – a unique Testmo feature for improved privacy.

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Session report with disabled links, images and personal details

Bonus: Now PDF Print Any Page in Testmo

Testmo comes with many useful additional charts, metrics, reports and overview pages. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could also print them as PDF files so you can more easily export and share your milestones, projects, run lists, automation sources and more? With our new update this is now possible with our optimized print styling.

Simply print and export any page in Testmo to PDF with your browser’s print feature. Testmo automatically hides all navigation menus, optimizes various elements for printing and adjusts the content for the selected page layout. All relevant elements in Testmo also work in print mode, so your PDF exports also include rich charts, metrics and tables.

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Print PDF files from any page in Testmo with optimized print styling

Summary & What’s Next

Our new print & PDF reports are now available for all Testmo users and the new version is already live for all paid and trial accounts. Simply open one of your repositories, a test run, session or automation run and click the print icon to try the new reports. You can also start a new Testmo trial if you want to try the new features and don’t use Testmo yet.

Our team is also already working on the next improvements & feature requests. Let us know if you have any feedback on the new print reports or if you have any other suggestions!

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