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Introducing Testmo: Unified Modern Test Management

By Dennis Gurock
Jan 19, 2022
4 min read

The way software (testing) teams work is changing rapidly. Testing teams often use a mix of classic QA web apps to manage test cases, integrate open source or commercial automation tools, deploy code using in-house build servers or cloud-based CI platforms, and manage issues with popular issue trackers.

With Testmo we want to help teams modernize their test management by offering integrated management of manual test cases, exploratory testing sessions and test automation. Complete with full support for popular tools teams already use. Today we are announcing our plans for Testmo, our unified modern test management tool. Make sure to subscribe to our updates to get notified when Testmo launches!

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#1 Unified Modern Test Management Software
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Unified Software Test Management

Our team has been working in the software testing space for many years, and one recurring pattern we’ve seen of high-performing QA teams is that they use a multitude of tools and techniques to be successful. They use exploratory testing to find issues in new features early. They use manual test cases for smoke testing and to quickly ramp up testing for large projects. And they use automation to scale testing and check for regressions as projects grow.

But we noticed that none of the existing test management tools were built to integrate and support all these testing efforts in a single platform.

Sure, some existing tools offer APIs to submit automation results. Or they offer separate plugins for basic exploratory testing. But no other modern test management tool has been designed and built from the ground up to unify testing. With Testmo we are out to fix all this by offering a unified platform for modern software testing teams.

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Testmo’s fine-tuned interface for productive test management

Bring Your Own Tools

Successful testing teams use the best tools designed for their projects and platforms and Testmo integrates with the tools your team already uses and loves.

Are you using Selenium to automate your browser tests? Is your dev team using the built-in unit testing library of your platform? Or have you invested in a commercial tool to help your team automate tests? No problem, you will be able to quickly and easily submit your automation results to Testmo, regardless of the tools you use. Testmo ships with standard file format support for many test automation tools and you can easily adjust the integration for custom tools.

Likewise, Testmo will ship with first-class integrations for popular issue tracking and code platforms such as Jira, GitHub and GitLab. Our focus is on building the best test management platform and help you integrate with existing tools, all without reinventing the wheel.

We have also been working on supporting all kinds of dev and deployment workflows. Whether you are using a local build process, deploy your code using in-house integration systems or use a cloud-based CI tool: you will be able to benefit from Testmo’s integrations and submit your test results easily. Our goal is to help you get started using Testmo as quickly as possible.

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Test automation integration and session-based testing with Testmo

Modern Cloud-based Platform

We have spent a lot of time building a modern and secure cloud-based platform so your team can start using Testmo immediately once it’s available. Testmo is all about helping testing teams work as productively as possible, featuring a fine-tuned interface optimized for your testing workflow.

In summary, when Testmo ships, we will have a complete ready-to-use package for modern software teams. We want to remove any roadblocks preventing teams from getting up and running quickly.

We’ve also optimized Testmo for teams of all sizes, with built-in scalability and enterprise-grade security from the beginning. This includes integrations with two-factor auth, optional SAML-based logins as well as auditing to keep your IT team happy.

We are excited to get Testmo into your hands and share more details about the unique features and design decisions here on our blog soon. So make sure to subscribe so we can let you know when Testmo launches.

PS: We regularly publish original software testing & QA research, including free guides, reports and news. To receive our next postings, you can subscribe to updates. You can also follow us on Twitter and Linkedin.

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