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CSV Export: Repositories, Runs, Automation & Sessions

By Dennis Gurock
Aug 29, 2022
6 min read

Testmo comes with many built-in features to report, filter, group and review your test cases, test runs, automated tests as well as exploratory test sessions. Still, there are many situations when it’s useful to export your data so you can share, further process or archive your tests.

That’s why we are happy to announce new features now available in Testmo to generate CSV exports of all the above mentioned data. When we designed the new features, we specifically wanted to support various use cases such as the following:

  • Make it easy to export your data so you can share your test cases, test runs and results with team members or clients who don’t have access to Testmo
  • Help with compliance and auditing requirements so you can archive and store exports as part of your documentation efforts
  • To provide additional reporting options so you can process the files with custom reporting tools or load the CSV files into Excel (all exports are also optimized for Excel)

The new features have been added in addition to our existing data export options that already allow you to export all your data out of Testmo. See below for screenshots and more details of the new CSV export features!

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CSV Export: Repositories, Runs, Automation & Sessions -
CSV Export: Repositories, Runs, Automation & Sessions - cli example 2

Exporting Repositories & Test Cases

You can now directly export test cases from a project’s repository page. When exporting test cases to CSV files, you can choose to export the entire repository, or select specific test cases, or select a folder (and all its sub folders and test cases) to export.

Additionally you can select the columns you want to include in the export file, as well as rearrange columns via drag&drop. Testmo saves your latest column selection to make it easy to generate similar exports again.

CSV Export: Repositories, Runs, Automation & Sessions - YXNzZXRzL3NjcmVlbnNob3RzL3JlcG9zLWluZGV4LWV4cG9ydC1jc3YtZm9sZGVyLnBuZw
Export repositories, folders and test cases to CSV files

Exporting Test Runs & Automation

For manual and automated test runs, you can either export a single test run or select multiple test runs to export at the same time. To export multiple test runs, simply select the runs from the respective overview page and click the Export button in the toolbar. For the multi run export feature we support two modes:

  • You can generate a summary CSV file of the selected test runs, so you get a CSV file with one test run and all its details per row. This is useful if you want to export a list of recent test runs or e.g. a list of all runs that were executed as part of a specific milestone.
  • Alternatively, Testmo can generate detailed CSV files for each run including all their tests and results. When choosing this option for multiple runs, Testmo will generate a ZIP file with all the CSV files.
CSV Export: Repositories, Runs, Automation & Sessions - YXNzZXRzL3NjcmVlbnNob3RzL3J1bnMtaW5kZXgtZXhwb3J0LWNzdi1zdW1tYXJ5LnBuZw
Exporting multiple test runs at the same time

You can also choose to export just a single test run with all its tests and results. Just open a specific test run and select the export icon from the toolbar. Testmo also offers to include additional statistics and context details about the run at the beginning of the CSV file.

CSV Export: Repositories, Runs, Automation & Sessions - YXNzZXRzL3NjcmVlbnNob3RzL3J1bnMtcmVzdWx0cy1leHBvcnQtY3N2LWJ1dHRvbi5wbmc
CSV Export: Repositories, Runs, Automation & Sessions - YXNzZXRzL3NjcmVlbnNob3RzL3J1bnMtcmVzdWx0cy1leHBvcnQtY3N2LnBuZw
Exporting a single test run from the run’s page

Exporting Exploratory Sessions

Similar to test runs, Testmo now includes features to export exploratory test sessions to CSV files. Testmo again supports either exporting single test sessions or multiple sessions at once. To export multiple sessions, just go to a project’s Sessions page, select the relevant sessions and export them.

We also support two modes for the session export: either generate a flat CSV file with one row per test session, or generate detailed CSV files for each selected session with all the session’s notes and results in a combined ZIP file.

CSV Export: Repositories, Runs, Automation & Sessions - YXNzZXRzL3NjcmVlbnNob3RzL3Nlc3Npb25zLWluZGV4LWV4cG9ydC1jc3YtcmVzdWx0cy5wbmc
Download multiple exploratory test sessions as CSV files

And to export just a single session, simply open the relevant session and select the export icon from the toolbar. The CSV export includes all the session’s notes and results, and optionally also an additional header with all relevant project and session details at the beginning of the file.

Summary & What’s Next

The CSV export feature has been one of the most requested features recently, so we are happy to make this new feature available to all users now. All Testmo accounts, whether you are using a trial account or a paid account, now have access to the new export features. You can also start a new Testmo trial if you want to try the new features and don’t use Testmo yet.

We are also looking at supporting various additional export and reporting features based on customer feedback (stay tuned!). If you are interested in specific additional options, capabilities and formats, please let us know.

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